

Whether she’s helping students navigate their educational journeys and career paths, 或者为弱势群体争取权益, Alejandra Anastas今年20岁,她热衷于帮助他人. Through her work as a career and internship coach in vnsr威尼斯城官网登入’s Career Studio, Anastas is able to channel that passion into her daily interactions with students. 童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划(DACA)接受者, Anastas knows the challenges that first-generation students face, making her uniquely suited to walk beside them as they explore opportunities for their future.

She hopes to inspire others to pursue their dreams, despite any obstacles. 对于Anastas, 教育是一种变革的工具, and she’s committed to helping others access the opportunities and resources they need to succeed.

A lot of young people are questioning whether they should even go to college. 是什么使你决定攻读学位的?

“As a non-traditional student, I decided to go back to school at the age of 26. While I loved my job as a nanny and deeply valued that experience, 我知道我有潜力取得更大的成就. 攻读学位一直是我的梦想, 当上大学的机会终于出现时, 我知道我不能让它溜走.

“Growing up, my future in the United States often felt uncertain. 然而, 我意识到无论发生什么, 我所受的教育是任何人都无法从我这里夺走的. It was a solid foundation that would empower me to create a better future for myself. 这种认识促使我决定攻读学位, 它继续激励着我今天所做的工作.”


“阿尔维诺一直是我关注的对象. 我最好的中学朋友就读于阿尔弗诺大学, and I often joined her for campus events during her undergraduate years. While I enjoyed my time on campus, I didn't feel that college was right for me at that time. 然而,我的朋友总是鼓励我考虑一下阿尔维诺.

“The turning point came when I attended one of David Brooker's Model UN simulations on Disney Princesses. That experience captivated me and made me see the potential of an vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 education. It's funny because I ultimately chose vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 for the very reasons my friend had highlighted: the non-traditional approach to learning, 强调8种能力, 班级规模更小, 以及灵活地调整我的教育以满足我的需求. These factors convinced me that vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 was the perfect place for me to pursue my degree.”

谈谈你作为第一代学生的经历. 你遇到过哪些障碍?你是如何克服它们的?

“作为第一代学生, my journey has been marked by significant challenges and remarkable growth. Growing up as an undocumented immigrant added layers of complexity to my experience. 没有受过高等教育的家族史, 我缺乏在教育体系中获得指导的渠道, 从申请大学到了解经济援助. 为了克服这个问题, 我寻找导师和资源, connecting with counselors and advisors who offered the support I needed.

“金融障碍是另一个主要障碍, 特别是因为我没有资格获得联邦财政援助. I worked various jobs, from nannying to legal assisting, to save money for school. 我很荣幸在来阿尔弗诺之前就获得了DACA, 开放更多就业机会和经济援助. I also applied for scholarships specifically for undocumented students.

“The emotional and psychological strain of being undocumented was significant, 让我们很难只专注于学业. 我在社区支持和家庭中找到了力量, engaging in 社区 organizing and advocacy to channel my anxieties into positive action. Balancing academic responsibilities with work and family obligations required strong time management skills and support from my family, 谁重视我的教育追求.

“My experience shaped my passion for social justice and advocacy. 在我目前的职位上, 我利用我的背景来支持学生, particularly those who are undocumented or come from similar backgrounds. 我作为第一代学生的经历教会了我适应力, 的决心, 以及社区的重要性, fueling my desire to create a more equitable environment for future generations.”


“教育是增强权能的基本工具, 对于女性来说, it holds particular significance in shaping not only their futures but also the broader fabric of society.

“In my personal journey, education has been a transformative force. Growing up as an undocumented immigrant and a first-generation student, I faced numerous challenges. 然而, 追求高等教育打开了我从未想过的大门, 让我为自己和我的社区发声. 我现在支持其他学生, 特别是妇女和非法移民, helping them navigate their educational paths and achieve their full potential.

“本质上, educating women creates a ripple effect that benefits not only the individual but also families, 社区, 整个国家. 通过投资妇女教育, 我们正在投资于一个更加公平的, 繁荣的, 每个人都有一个公平的世界.”

Who were you when you first arrived at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, and who are you now?

“当我刚到阿尔弗诺学院的时候, 我是一个坚定而又不确定的人, 驾驭我复杂的身份. 我的高等教育之旅充满了挑战, from financial barriers to the psychological strain of living with the constant fear of deportation. 当时, 我充满了希望,但也充满了焦虑, unsure of how I would manage to succeed in an environment where I felt like an imposter.

“I carried with me the weight of my family's sacrifices and the desire to make the most of the opportunities that DACA had finally afforded me. 尽管我很坚决, I lacked the confidence and resources that many of my peers took for granted, but I was fueled by a deep-seated passion for learning and a desire to give back to my 社区.

“Now, as a graduate and career professional, I am a transformed individual. My time at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 has not only provided me with a solid academic foundation but also with a supportive 社区 that has nurtured my growth and resilience. 我已经发展成为一个自信的倡导者和教育家, committed to shaping a more equitable world for others who face similar challenges.

“My experiences at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 have equipped me with the skills and knowledge to support and guide students, 尤其是那些和我有相似经历的人. 我在社区中找到了自己的声音和位置, 用我的背景来激励和激励他人. 我的经历教会了我坚韧的重要性, 社区, 以及教育的变革力量.

“最终, vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 has helped me transform from a student filled with uncertainty into a leader and advocate, dedicated to fostering opportunities and support for the next generation of students.”




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